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Qui pourrai m’aider svp merci beaucoup d’avance ✨✨

Qui Pourrai Maider Svp Merci Beaucoup Davance class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. Did anna open the window?

2.Did she walk home?

3. Did you work in the garden?

4.Did you sing a song?

5.Did she sit on a chair?

6.Did you visit the castle?

7.Did jenny close the door?

8.Is she happy?

9.Did Greg kixk the bell?

10.Did the car stop at the corner?


Réponse :

1. Did anna open the window?

2.Did she walk home?

3. Did you work in the garden?

4.Did you sing a song?

5.Did she sit on a chair?

6.Did you visit the castle?

7.Did jenny close the door?

8.Is she happy?

9.Did Greg kixk the bell?

10.Did the car stop at the corner?

Explications :