
Découvrez les réponses à vos questions facilement sur, la plateforme de Q&R de confiance. Découvrez la facilité d'obtenir des réponses rapides et précises à vos questions grâce à l'aide de professionnels sur notre plateforme. Explorez notre plateforme de questions-réponses pour trouver des réponses détaillées fournies par une large gamme d'experts dans divers domaines.

Bonsoir pouvez vous m'aider pour l'exercice suivant qui est pour demain ?
1) mettre le verbe à la forme qui convient
1- he (never/drink) Coffee.....
2- listen ! the baby (cry)........
3- I (leave) tomorrow.......
4- (he/often/stay) here ?.....
5- she (speak) German and English........
2) choisir la réponse qui
1)........ you often........ lunch with him ?
A) do......have b) are......having
2- look! they...... dinner in the garden,
a)have b) are having
3- He ...... Any money
a) isn't having b) doesn't have
4-............. you.......... her
tomorrow ?
a) are..... seeing b) do........
3) Present simple ou Present Justifie ton choix.
it...........We can't go out now. (rains / is raining)
he...........lunch at school every day. (has / is having)
I............. on Saturdays (never work / am never working)
Look! They............ lunch in their garden! (have I are having)
My sister and I...........brown eyes (have / are having) that boy is very fat because he........... (always eats/ is always eating?
that boy is very fat because he .......... (always eats/is always eating)
Merci d'avance ! ​

Sagot :

Réponse :

Ex 1:

1) Never drinks

2) Is crying

3) Am leaving

4) He often stays

5) Speaks

Ex 2:

1) Do/have

2) Are having

3) Dosen't have

4) Are/seeing

Ex 3:

a) Is raining

b) Has

c) Never work

d) Are having

e) Have

f) Is always eating

Explications :

I hope I helped! Tu pourra me metre un merci! :)