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Bonjour, je dois écrire, inventer en anglais la 4ème de couverture d'un roman à suspens.
Le titre est the murder !
Pouvez vous me corriger et améliorer mon résumé svp ? Merci
C'est l'histoire du docteur Smith marié et père de famille qui est accusé de meurtre en série, il crie son innocence mais personne ne veut le croire .Toutes les victimes ont sur eux ses empreintes car se sont toutes des patients du Dr Smith. Il doit tout faire pour retrouver le vrai meurtrier, aidé de sa femme.

It is the story of the married doctor Smith and father who is accused of serial murder, he shouts his innocence but nobody wants to believe it. All the victims have his fingerprints on them because they’re all Dr Smith’s patients. He must do everything to find the real murderer, assisted by his wife.

Sagot :


It is the story of the married doctor Smith and father who is accused of serial murder. He shouts his innocence but nobody wants to believe it. All the victims have his fingerprints on them because they’re all Dr Smith’s patients. He must do everything to find the real murderer and assisted by his wife.


J'ai changé quelque point qu'il n'allait pas à sa place et mis un mot en plus mais sinon tout est bon pour moi. C'est du bon travail bravo!

bonne journée


This is the story of Doctor Smith married and father who is accused of serial murder, he screams his innocence but no one wants to believe him.

All the victims have his fingerprints on them because they are all patients of Dr. Smith.

He must do everything to find the real murderer, assisted by his wife.

J ai changé quelques mots mais a vrai dire c est bien réalisé

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