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Bonjour, j'ai un opinion sur le film invictus a faire en anglais j'ai besoin d'aide c'est pour demain.
merci en avance ​

Sagot :

Réponse :

Invictus is another of Clint Eastwood's many successes. To my shame, I vaguely knew the story of Nelson Mandela and thanks to this film, I was able to get a good understanding of what happened to him and how he felt. The strong point of the film is obviously the exceptional Morgan Freeman who manages to make Nelson Mandela really very charismatic and incredibly moving, his whole story which is represented in the film manages to touch us at every moment. Matt Damon is not to be outdone, of course, if he looks slightly different from the character he plays, who is none other than François Pienaar, he too manages to be in the character's skin and no doubt all his fans will fall to the ground when they see him shirtless. My parents thought that the actors playing the rugby players were not muscular enough and were sometimes even ridiculous, but I found them muscular enough to make us believe they were real rugby players. Jonah Lomu's look-alike is quite similar. The music is classical but the theme of Mandela is quite nice. The songs put us in the mood a lot! The sound is excellent, the matches seem really incredible to us to hear the sound effects! The story is faithful and we follow it with great pleasure.

Explications :


Je ne sais pas si cette avis te conviendra mais voici le miens.

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