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Faire une histoire en utilisant les verbe ( see, be, forbed, eat, drink, sing, become, beat, sleep , take , read ) au prétérit . Aider moi s’il vous plaît merci

Sagot :

Réponse: It was a late afternoon. I  was taking the groceries home because my mother forced me to, when I saw that a little kid drank half a bottle of dish cleaning liquid and was singing a song and beat his feet. After that incident I came home. It was quiet. I took a book and read a book and i became bored of reading so I slept. I had a dream that the same kid ate a frog that was still alive. I woke up and found myself at school in my class. I guess I was really tired that I started hallucinating.


well that was a short  random story that I invented using your words hope it helped