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Bonjour pourriez vous me signaler si il y a des erreurs s’il vous plaît, c’est pour demain !!

I consider The Shawshank Redemption to be a great film, a must-see, a real favorite, anything you want, there's no shortage of superlatives when you talk about Frank Darabont's film. Superb human drama released in 1994 is very characteristic of American cinema.

It all begins In the United States, in 1947, Andy Dufresne, a young banker, is sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife and her lover. While claiming his innocence, he is locked up in the Shawshank Center. He will make the bitter discovery of the most severe penitentiary in the State of Maine with its appalling prisoners and its corrupt director.

After suffering Andy meets Red, a respected black prisoner held for twenty years, king of the scheme. It begins then to have a great history of friendship between the two men...

Over the years, Andy, at first mocked and scorned, becomes the most renowned prisoner of the penitentiary. By making the powerful benefit of his accounting talents.

Andy's escape project is the plot of the movie

Sagot :

Réponse : Bonjour, alors ta juste deux erreurs mais sa passe

I consider The Shawshank Redemption to be a great film, a must-see, a real favourite, anything you want, there's no shortage of superlatives when you talk about Frank Darabont's film. Superb human drama released in 1994 is very characteristic of American cinema.

It all begins In the United States, in 1947, Andy Dufresne, a young banker, is sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife and her lover. While claiming his innocence, he is locked up in the Shawshank Center. He will make the bitter discovery of the most severe penitentiary in the State of Maine with its appalling prisoners and its corrupt director.

After suffering Andy meets Red, a respected black prisoner held for twenty years, king of the scheme. It begins then to have a great history of friendship between the two men...

Over the years, Andy, at first mocked and scorned, becomes the most renowned prisoner of the penitentiary. By making the powerful benefit of his accounting talents.

Andy's escape project is the plot of the film.

Alors plutôt il faut mettre film que movie.

Et aussi favorite il fallait mettre favourite

J'espère que je t'ai aidé comme j'ai pu.

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