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Bonjour pouvez-vous m'aider à faire un long paragraphe pour un oral de 3 minutes sur cette question "Are we defined by where we were born ?"

Sagot :


Hi ! I think we're defined by where we were born according to the circumstances. Like everything that is normal, the world is full of multiple societies with them of different traditions and laws. The fact that we come to attribute this definition of ourselves comes to question us where we come from to finally draw an assiduous conclusion of our culture. We all live in a planet teeming with many different cultures but we all share the same identified which is that of human being. This identity of course refers to each of us, but as I mentioned earlier, different circumstances cannot give a definition to ourselves. Each evolves according to its environment and its culture which, the latter, gives it its personality. Because although the latter embodies is different according to the life and culture, its definition itself also varies according to the person who will attribute this definition. We're all human, unless that's a rather ironic definition, I think the only way we can define ourselves is through heart and ambitions. We may be different, but we still have an identity that can be attributed by everyone, which is Human.

C'est ce que j'ai pu faire, et j'espère cependant que ça peut vous aider !

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