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anglais (3eme) je dois faire un paragraphe que je lirais a l'oral sur l'harcèlement avec des mots pas compliqués j'ai aussi une feuille pour m'aider ​svp

Anglais 3eme Je Dois Faire Un Paragraphe Que Je Lirais A Loral Sur Lharcèlement Avec Des Mots Pas Compliqués Jai Aussi Une Feuille Pour Maider Svp class=

Sagot :


Hi ! Bullying is one of the hardest things to take physically and morally in our societies. As deplorable as it is, bullying is usually put to the test by confident young people who think they can do anything, against generally people who are rather shy and not really self-confident. And this rather alarming problem is found in large part in our schools, of which young pupils are unfortunately abused for their shyness. It's a very serious problem that can cause torment and even mental problems for young victims. Bullying which has indeed no valid reason, which can savagely destroy the education of these poor victims. And the advice I would have given to a victim of cyber bullying would be not to worry too much and sometimes give yourself a reason to be respected. Stalkers only have one specific goal, which is to destroy you morally so that you constantly lose confidence in yourself and your abilities. Yourself, and never try to be again to be like them, just find a reason to move forward by not caring about those people who are just trying to make you lose confidence in yourself.

C'est ce que j'ai pu faire. J'espère que ça vous aide !