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Bonjour quelqu’un pourrait m’aider à corriger mon travail voir s’il reste des fautes au si il y a de meilleur tournure de phrase, merci d’avance

Since donald trump has been elected the situation of the unied state among the world as clearly changed . At the time where he was runnig for the election donald trump had a lots of idea he wanted to carry out . And as son as he was elected he quicly started do make changes. Just in one year donald trump as signed 58 executive order and while he was president he signed a lots of relevant memoranda such as backin out trains-pacific partnership or the Paris agreement on climate changes . He also had an terible impact on international relation, with the case of north corea, russia and china trump has turn cooperation into tension. Indeed Donald trump have in a way also ward america from western countries by signing all these executive order and memoranda. So during his mandate donald trump has clearly change America but as he made her great again? There have been some good things during his mandate , for exemple the economy has continued to grow strongly under trump and there was a point where the unemployment was lower than never before. But unfortunatly there were also a big amount of questionable things that he did, for exemple his handling of the coronavirus crisis was awful or the racist statment that trump has made. I think trump made America great but just in his own perspective, he has done most of the things he wanted to and maybe he will he succeed in establishing an American imperial which will question the sovereignty of other nations, if so he will succeed making America great again for him maybe, but not really for the world.

Sagot :

Réponse :

il faut que tu te relises, tu as fait bcp de faute de frappe comme uniTed state, the world Has, runniNg, Has signed, A terRible impact

-> vérifie bien dans tt le texte que ce soit HAS et non AS quand c'est le verbe

aussi soit tu dis a lot of soit lots of

donald trump HAS et non have

tu peux aussi remplacer for exemple par for instance, such as pour varier le voc

La dernière phrase est un peu floue, modifie la en raccourcissant les phrases et en reformulant

sinon dans l'ensemble c'est pas mal du tout!

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