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Sagot :
Mamadou Gassama is a hero because he saved someone's life without even thinking about what he might have risked. Mamoudou Gassama was born on January 1st 1996 in Yaguine, in the Kayes region of Mali. In 2013, he will leave his native country to join Europe, where he will face multiple complications during his journey, such as torture and prison in Libya. In 2014 he is picked up at sea by Italian ships that come to the rescue of immigrants (Operation Mare Nostrum). He stays 3 years in Italy before joining his brother who is also a migrant. He lives with his brother in a hostel for migrants in Montreuil, he earns his living by working on the black market in the building industry.
Cela te convient ?
Réponse :
Mamasou Gassama is a hero because he saved a man's life without thinking about what could have happened to him.
He was born the January 1st of 1996 at Yaguine, in the region of Kayes.
In Mali, he left his native country to go in Europe, he had multiple complications during his trip such as torture and prison in Libye.
In 2014, he has been saved/rescued in the ocean by the Italians boats that are rescuing/saving immigrants ( Mare Nostrum operation).
He stayed 3 years in Italia then he joined his migrant brother.
He lives with him in a shelter/hearth for migrants in Montreuil, he earns his living by working "in the dark?" in the building industry"
Explications :
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