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Bonjour, pouvez vous m’aider svp je bloque complètement..
Make sure you have understood the words ? Fill in the gaps with the following words.
Sorrow/shared/focused/cheered/depressed/a shoulder to cry on/fear/roommate/jobless/hope/TV
1. The police officers
on the suspect's timetable and found him guilty
2. She failed her exam / She needs
3- 1 met an old
..............of mine; we
house when we were students in
4- He is .............
because his firm closed down and now he is
5- My son is a real.
he can't help watching TV for long hours.
6- His death was a great
.... to everyone who knew him.
7- Kenneth showed no
when he realized burglars were in the attic
8. You didn't work hard for your exam, did you? I...............you'll pass it!
9- "Plus belle La vie" is a very popular
in southern France.
10- The Dublin hurling team lost a very important match ! They'll have to be

Sagot :

1. The police officers focused on the suspect's timetable and found him guilty.

2. She failed her exam / She needs a shoulder to cry on.

3. I met an old roommate of mine ; we shared house house when we were studets in Washington.

4. He is depressed because his firm closed down and now he is jobless.

5. My son his a real cheered. He can't help watching TV for long hours.

6. His death was a great sorrow to everyone who knew him.

7. Kenneth showed no fear when he realized burglars were in the attic.

8. You didn't work hard for your exam, did you ? I hope you'll pass it!

9. "Plus belle la vie" is a very popular TV in southern France.

10. The Dubiln hurling team lost a very important match ! They'll have to be up!

Pour la dernière, je n'ai pas compris où était le mot qui manquait donc je ne l'ai pas fait.

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