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Svp: j’ai besoin d’aide :(
B _Past Continuous or Past Simple? (1-2)
Put in the correct form of the verb.

(1)........(we/ lose) all the power. But(2).......(it / come) on again after about ten minutes.
Vicky: Rachel (3).......(come) down the stairs when the lights(4)......(go) out. She almost (5)......(fall) over.
Daniel: Matthew and I (6)........
(play) table tennis at the time.
Andrew: (7).......(1/work) on the computer. (8)......(1/lose) a whole hour's work. But this morning (9)......(1 / get) up early and (10).......(do) it again.

Sagot :



past simple : pour une action passée terminée, une action courte

past continuous ; pour une action passée qui "était en train de se faire"

1- We lost all the power.

2- But it came on again after ten minutes.

3&4- Vicky: Rachel was coming down wen the lights went out.

5-  She almost fell over.

6- Matthew and I were playing table tennis at the same time.

7->10- Andrew : I was working on my computer. I lost a whole hour's work but this morning  I got up early and I did it again.

bonne journée ☺☺☺