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pesh teacher
Sshh! The baby
Sheila bkes history very much. She
(speak) English very wel
Complete the sentences with the right verb forms.
This Mary Queen. She
teacher and she
children in primary school.
It's 7.40 on Tuesday morning. She is in her kitchen and she
She usually ....
a cup of coffee and
a toast for breakfast.
Now she
the newspaper and she
to the news on the radio.
She usually .....
work at 9.15.

Sagot :

ecrire bien le text.

This is Mary queen. She is a teacher and she have a children in primary school.

It"s tuesday morning. She is in her Kitchen and she's making her breakfast.

She usually drinks a cup of coffee and a toast for breakfast.

Noe she's reading the newspaper and listening to the news on the radio.

She usually goes to work at 9:15h.

:) good luck

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