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Sagot :
Salut, je pense que ça n’a pas trop de sens x)
Mais j’ai quand même passé du temps dessus, j’espère que ça te conviendra ! :)
Once upon a time, a pregnant woman lived in a pretty house. She spends her days alone in her house writing, singing and talking to her cat. One day she stepped outside, the sunlight scorched her hand. She had to cut it because it started to spread on her arm! She ran to the house and closed the door. She spent a lot of energy running because she was pregnant. The next day, she came out of the house wearing a jacket long enough to cover her entire body. On the way, she met a man who asked her to marry him in exchange for no longer fearing the sun. However, she did not agree very much, but she wanted to be free and no longer fear the sun. So she got to know him and joined him in his mansion. So she lived with him.
Bon week-end à toi, et bonne chance ! ;)
Mais j’ai quand même passé du temps dessus, j’espère que ça te conviendra ! :)
Once upon a time, a pregnant woman lived in a pretty house. She spends her days alone in her house writing, singing and talking to her cat. One day she stepped outside, the sunlight scorched her hand. She had to cut it because it started to spread on her arm! She ran to the house and closed the door. She spent a lot of energy running because she was pregnant. The next day, she came out of the house wearing a jacket long enough to cover her entire body. On the way, she met a man who asked her to marry him in exchange for no longer fearing the sun. However, she did not agree very much, but she wanted to be free and no longer fear the sun. So she got to know him and joined him in his mansion. So she lived with him.
Bon week-end à toi, et bonne chance ! ;)
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