vous aide à trouver des réponses à toutes vos questions grâce à une communauté d'experts passionnés. Notre plateforme de questions-réponses vous connecte avec des experts prêts à fournir des informations précises dans divers domaines de connaissance. Obtenez des solutions rapides et fiables à vos questions grâce à une communauté d'experts expérimentés sur notre plateforme.

Hello everybody
I have an exercice thanks for helping

Hello Everybody I Have An Exercice Thanks For Helping class=

Sagot :


Réponse :


a. I can’t imagine Sally playing the saxophone.

( to imagine someone doing something )

b. The teacher expected Sarah to have the highest mark

( to expect someone to do something )

c. My parents are looking forward to celebrating my success

( look forward to + gerund )

d. The young inventors agreed  to set up a worldwide association.

( to agree to do something )

e. This puzzle is easy to answer by brilliant candidates.

f. My friend asked me how to fill in the application form.

( to ask someone( + infinitive with "to" ) to do something )

g. The most brilliant students decided to design a new plan of action

h. Are you thinking of participating in the national contest

( to think of ( + gerund ) doing something )