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s'il vous plait peux tu m'aider avec cette question d'anglais c'est dure pour moi mais c'est tres important et merci beaucoup d'avance
Et c'est pas la peine de vous enregistrez mais le text dois etre 20 a 30 lignes encore une fois MERCI BEAUCOUP !

Sil Vous Plait Peux Tu Maider Avec Cette Question Danglais Cest Dure Pour Moi Mais Cest Tres Important Et Merci Beaucoup Davance Et Cest Pas La Peine De Vous En class=

Sagot :

Réponse :


Explications :

Hie, my dear family how are you today, me I would like to tell you my day

Before to go at school, I help my mother to take back water in the river, it was a verry hot day and water is important during this time, after I prepare my lunch for midday I take banana and a little peace of bread and water of course. At school I did maths and I learn multiplication table and it was so borring because it's so hard and I don't like maths, next I work on literature I read a book "The Gruffalo" without any problem I was so proud of me!!!! At the break time, I ate with my friends, and after we are playing football together it was a great time together and this afternoon I did some history, I learn the romans empire and I loved it. When I go back to my house I told my day to my parents and they were so happy for me, after I did my homeworks because tomorow I have a test in English and maths, I hope that will be easy, now I tell you my day and after I go to spleep.

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