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Sagot :

Dear grand-ma,
I hope you doing well, I’m fine
In September I will be in second year at a marketing communication school. Did you see that the UK was going to get out of Europe ? What do you think about it ? I don’t think that’s good, for me or for the country. I think fewer tourists will come visit the UK, because it will surely take more paper to fill in, a passport, and that doesn’t everyone has one. And then for the French students who went to the UK or like me, the English students who came in France. To find accommodations, it maybe that you will need a visa and it would be complicated to get one, so to stay in France throughout my studies. That is why I would have voted agains it. I know we can do it, but I think it’s stupid and will be sorry. Here you go tell me what you think. Big kisses, see you soon. Charlotte

J’ai ajouter quelques virgules ou des points sinon la phrase ne voulait rien dire. J’espère que ça t’auras aider bonne chance !
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