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Je suis la présentatrice du journal National Geographic et aujourd'hui nous allons parler de L'inde dans sa globalité, son histoire, sa société, son économie.. le titre de ce reportage est « Empowering The Dalits in today India »

L'inde à une population de 1.2 billions inhabitants today, sa capitale est New Dehli En inde les

habitants parle l'anglais l'hindi. Il y a beaucoup de religions pratiquer là-bas, la plus répendu est l'hindu à 80 pourcent. L'inde est une démocratie, une république.

Il y à plusieurs domaines majeurs pratiquer par la population comme l'agriculture ingénieuri, les pierres précieuse et les bijoux.

En résumé, un pays comme les autres sauf que vous vous tromper derrière vos écrans car l'inde à eu

un passé très critique et encore aujourd'hui il y a beaucoup d'aspects négatif mais certains sont en

train d'évoluer dans le bon chemins. Pour voir cela je vous laisse voir la suite de ce journal.

By the 19th century Britain had assumed political control over virtually all Indian lands. Indian

armed forces in the british army played a vital rôle in both World Wars. Non violent resistance to british colonialism led by Mohandas Gandhi ans Jawaharlal Nehru brought independance in 1947. The subcontinent was divided into two states : India and Pakistan.

Inde depuis évolue dans l'aspect social et économique Le taux de mortalité a diminué, les habitants ont une meilleur éducation

espérance de vie et niveau de vie plus l'économie qui se développe. literraire, une meilleure Mais tout cela n'enlève pour autant le fait qu'il y a beaucoup d'aspect négatif et sont des obstacles

pour cette population

Les problèmes sanitaires, la pollution, la malnutrition avec la surpopulation qui n'arrange rien, le

manque conséquent d'argent avec le fossé entre les riches et les pauvres qui s'élargit Ce qui nous amène à vous parler maintenant du caste system.

The caste system is a hereditary social hierarchy. This classification system a he called The Jali system was born 2000 years ago with Hinduism AT the beginning at was'nt strictly respected until the British India. Cela crée un énorme fossé entre les riches et les pauvres. Cest un système pyramidale, ce sont les Varna castes en inde.

Power is executed by an élite Il ya un people qui complète ses castes mais est rejeté par la société, ils sont appelés dalits, appellé dans la passé les intouchables. Pourquoi ces personnes sont autant mépriser ? Et bien ils sont considérés comme impure, le cast le plus bas. Nobody wants to be on contact by the other castes. Les dalits travaillent dans les travaillent les plus exécrable comme nettoyer les égouts, les écréments. Pour au final ne gagner que 2rupees par mois. In 1955, discrimination based on castes was illegal mais cela est ancrer dans leurs traditions et ils

ont du mal à sans séparer les castes continues d'êtres tabout Inde n'est pas une démocratie modern avec le système des caste mais aussi parce que l'inde est une société patriarcal

Il y a aussi un autre system en inde, le system reservation appeler aussi affirmative action The process of facilitating a person in education, scholarship and in promotions who has category certificates. Reservation is governed by constitutional laws, statutory laws ans locals rules and regulation Ce système contient des point positif comme négatif, qulques exemples vous sont donner : Il y a moins de pauvreté donc cela réduits le fossé entre les riches et les pauvres mais surtout il y a plus d'égalités par rapport aux Dalits. Malheuresement cela pourrait nuire à la structure économique vu que l'efficacité du travail serait peut être affecté. De plus , de nombreux castes supérieurs souffrent toujours de la pauvreté et de la illiteracy

Eventually India is a country of contrast, poor India and rich India but also inequalities old traditions and development of new ways. So india starts to change even if the way is long Ce reportage est enfin terminé, et on se dit à demain pour encore plus d'informations à vous transmettre.
Merci encore si vous pouvez m’aidez ❤️

Sagot :


I am the presenter of the National Geographic newspaper and today we are going to talk about India as a whole, its history, its society, its economy .. the title of this report is "Empowering The Dalits in today India"

India has a population of 1.2 billion inhabitants today, its capital is New Dehli In India the

locals speak Hindi English. There are a lot of religions practiced there, the most popular being 80 percent Hindu. India is a democracy, a republic.

There are several major areas practiced by the population such as engineering agriculture, precious stones and jewelry.

In short, a country like any other except that you make mistakes behind your screens because india has had

a very critical past and even today there are many negative aspects but some are in

evolving in the right ways. To see this I let you see the rest of this journal.

By the 19th century Britain had assumed political control over virtually all Indian lands. Indian

armed forces in the british army played a vital role in both World Wars. Non violent resistance to british colonialism led by Mohandas Gandhi ans Jawaharlal Nehru brought independence in 1947. The subcontinent was divided into two states: India and Pakistan.

India since evolves in the social and economic aspect The death rate has decreased, the inhabitants have a better education

life expectancy and standard of living plus the growing economy. literary, a better But all this does not remove the fact that there are many negative aspects and are obstacles

for this population

Health problems, pollution, malnutrition with overpopulation which does not help,

consequent lack of money with the widening gap between the rich and the poor Which brings us to speak to you now about the caste system.

The caste system is a hereditary social hierarchy. This classification system a he called The Jali system was born 2000 years ago with Hinduism AT the beginning at was'nt strictly respected until the British India. This creates a huge gap between the rich and the poor. It is a pyramidal system, it is the Varna castes in India.

Power is executed by an elite There is a people who complete their castes but are rejected by society, they are called dalits, called in the past the untouchables. Why are these people so despise? Well they're considered unclean, the lowest cast. Nobody wants to be on contact by the other castes. The Dalits work in the most execrable jobs like cleaning the sewers, the dirt. To end up earning only 2rupees per month. In 1955, discrimination based on castes was illegal but it is rooted in their traditions and they

find it difficult to separate continuous castes from being tabout India is not a modern democracy with the caste system but also because india is a patriarchal society

There is also another system in India, the reservation system also called affirmative action The process of facilitating a person in education, scholarship and in promotions who has category certificates. Reservation is governed by constitutional laws, statutory laws and locals rules and regulation This system contains both positive and negative points, some examples are given to you: has more equality compared to Dalits. Unfortunately this could damage the economic structure as the efficiency of work may be affected. In addition, many upper castes still suffer from poverty and illiteracy.

Eventually India is a country of contrast, poor India and rich India but also inequalities old traditions and development of new ways. So india starts to change even if the way is long This report is finally over, and we'll see you tomorrow for even more information to send you.