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Sagot :
Réponse :
Hello. Today i am going to talk about the differences in the Balck Panter movie produced by Marve. The main difference with the traditional marvel film is that this one is mainly based on africa, its customs and its traditions. The main actors are black. They do not suffer from starvation because they have both the desire and the means to defend their wealth. They have an election system in their own way and they are not forced to bow to other nations whose Government have white skin. They do not feel inferior to White people's technologies, but on the contrary far exceeds them, with a well advanced civilization. In this movie the African people can recognize themselves because some traditions from the real world are included in the film. However, there is also a huge difference between the movie and the facts because in the movie there is too much advanced technologies from the future compared to African.
Explications :
-careful with your ponctuation, it was hard to understand at first
-your sentences should not be so long, try to avoid to include more than one 'because' in a sentence.
-film is correct but movie sounds more english
-avoid easy words such as 'bad' 'big 'good' and replace them with synonym: it will improve your writing.
-alos, no need to say 'real facts' beacause facts are already something real. Same for 'I am going to talk to you', 'I am going to talk about' is enough.
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