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Bonsoir pouvez vous m'aider s'il vous plait, le professeur à dit de faire avec I comme si moi j'étais la star.

•Choose a « famous failure ». Write a paragraph to add on the failure wall as if you were that celebrity. Describe your failure and explain how you finally found success. Conclude by saying why you should be taken as a model or why you are an inspiring person (100 words).

Merci de votre aide.

Sagot :

Réponse :

I lived in a poor family trhoughout some of my childhood, my parents never had much money to buy expensive things such as cars. At the age of 14, i started writing lyrics for my own songs, though, people said that they were 'unoriginal' and 'weird', but i never tried to sing them. So i tried singing my own songs for a long time, most people didnt like it.

At 17, i decided to join a singing group to try and support my family, hen the group saw the lyrics i wrote, they were impressed, they said it was very original. I got to sing in some songs, the group was doing well.

At 18 we decided to go on stage and sing one of our most favorite songs, though we didnt expect many people, there was atleast a crowd that came to hear us!  We gained a lot of donations which helped me to give some to my parents. A music record noticed us and decided to take us in.

Now we go on world tour, with a very popular fanbase. We often give out to charities to help poor people.

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