
Laurentvidal.fr facilite la recherche de réponses à toutes vos questions avec l'aide de notre communauté active. Explorez notre plateforme de questions-réponses pour trouver des solutions fiables grâce à une large gamme d'experts dans divers domaines. Découvrez des réponses détaillées à vos questions grâce à un vaste réseau de professionnels sur notre plateforme de questions-réponses complète.

pouvez m'aider svp

Complète avec le pronom sujet ou complément qui convient.
1. My mum doesn't drink coffee: ... says it makes ...nervous.
2. I love jazz. ... is the best music in the world!
3. We're going to the swimming pool. Come with ...!
4. Tell me if you want ... to help ....
5. This is nice! My brother said I could go to the cinema with ....
6. Don't be sorry for ... ! ... made her decision.​

Sagot :


1; She , her

2; it

3; us

4; me , you

5; him

6; her , She

Complète avec le pronom sujet ou complément qui convient.
1. My mum doesn't drink coffee: She says it makes her nervous.
2. I love jazz. This is the best music in the world!
3. We're going to the swimming pool. Come with us !
4. Tell me if you want me to help you
5. This is nice! My brother said I could go to the cinema with him
6. Don't be sorry for this ! You made her decision.

J’espère avoir put t’aider un maximum