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Fill the gaps using the subjects and verbs into bracket
1. If I had more time,
(1, to teach) you how to play tennis.
2. If
|(1, to meet) a rap star, I would ask for his/her autograph.
3. Fred
(to be) rich if he won a million euro.
4. Ibrahim would be very excited if
(he, to find) a treasure.
5. The economy would fail if people
(not, to work).
6. If
(she, be) a boy, she would turn off her phone.
7. If
(I, not, to have) any friends, I would join a club.
(you, to sing) on TV if you were offered the chance?
9. If
(1, be) the president of the USA, I would help the homeless.
10. He would buy a big house if
(he, be) a millionaire.

Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît. ​

Sagot :


If i had more time, i would teach you how to play tennis.

If i met a rap star, i would ask for his/her autograph.

Fred would be rich if he won a million euro.

Ibrahim would be very excited if he find a treasure.

The economy would fail if people don't work.

If she was a boy, she would turn off her phone.

If i didn't have any/if i had no friends, i would join a club

Would you sing on TV if you were offered the chance ?

If i were the president of the USA, i would help the homeless.

He would buy a bug house if he was a millionnaire.

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