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hello help me please
2 Do the Speaking Part 1 task below. Answer the questions.
1 Tell us something about your parents.
2 Describe your best friend.
3 What is your teacher like?
4 Tell us about a famous person you like.
and thanks ​

Sagot :

Réponse :


1. My parents are very nice but strict.

Every time I want something, he gives it to me.

My mother cooks Italian and Belgian cuisine very well.

And my dad is very good at cooking pasta.

2. My best friend is very sweet, we are very close and we love each other more than anything in the world.

Unfortunately at the moment he has covid-19 so we can't see each other anymore.

But hey, he'll be healed soon, so we can meet again soon.

3. My teacher loves me more than anything, I am his favorite student, and he is my favorite teacher.

In addition, I have only good grades, with him I work very well and I am proud.

4. I love Ariana Grande, she is a singer with so much talent and who is very famous.

I hope that after the covid-19 pandemic I can go see her in concert.

Because I'm too much of a fan.

I've seen them 10 times in concert, but I can't wait to see her again for the 11th time.

I hope I have been helpful,

Have a good day.

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