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hello help me
For these questions, choose the correct answer.

The Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is one of the most famous bridges in the world. It is
(1) the Golden Gate Bridge because it goes over the Golden Gate Strait. This is an area of
water which (2) San Francisco to the Pacific Ocean. It was built (3) 1933
and 1937, and some of America’s best engineers (4) the bridge. The bridge is nearly 3,000
metres long and 27 metres wide. It has two towers, and it’s always painted orange.
The bridge is well known for its special design. It is (5) with photographers, who love to take pictures
of it at all times of day, but (6) in the morning when the weather over the Golden Gate Strait is foggy.
1 A described B called C explained
2 A joins B passes C gives
3 A across B between C except
4 A prepared B made C built
5 A amazing B popular C favourite
6 A especially B instead C however

Sagot :

Réponse : Hello these are the answers have a good day !!

1, is called

2, joins

3, between

4, built

5, popular

6, especially

Explications :

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