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hello help me please
4 Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of these verbs.
not be not play stay wear work
1 My friends............................. ice hockey at the moment, they’re studying for a test.
2 Thomas................... at home today. He’s at school.
3 I usually................ a jacket in winter because it’s cold.
4 Mike and Petra...................... with their grandparents today.
5 Alison’s father............................ a lot at the moment. He’s very busy.
thank you ​

Sagot :


Réponse :


4 Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of these verbs.


1 My friends aren't playing  ice hockey at the moment, they’re studying for a test.

2 Thomas isn't at home today. He’s at school.

3 I usually wear a jacket in winter because it’s cold.

4 Mike and Petra are staying with their grandparents today.

5 Alison’s father is working a lot at the moment. He’s very busy.

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