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Voici le texte:
I wasn't born and raised to be a Kyoto geisha. I wasn't even born in Kyoto. I'm a fisherman's daughter from a little town called Yoroido on the Sea of Japan. In all my life I've never told more than a handful of people anything at all about Yoroido, or about the house in which I grew up, or about my mother and father, or my older sister and certainly not about how I became a geisha, or what it was like to be one. Most people would much rather carry on with their fantasies that my mother and grandmother were geisha, and that began my training in dance when I was weaned from the breast, and so on. As a matter of fact, one day many years ago I was pouring a cup of sake for a man who happened to mention that he had been in Yoroido only the previous week. Well, I felt as a bird must feel when it has flown across the ocean and comes upon a creature that knows its nest". I was so shocked I couldn't stop myself from saying:
"Yoroido! Why, that's where I grew up!" (...)

"Yoroido?" he said, "You can't mean it."

I long ago developed a very practiced smile, which I call my "Noh smile" because it resembles a Noh mask
whose features are frozen. Its advantage is that men can interpret it however they want, you can imagine how often i've relied on it. (...)
After all, I did grow up in Yoroido, and no one would suggest it's a glamorous spot. Hardly anyone ever visits it. As for the people who live there, they never have occasion to leave. You're probably wondering how I came to leave it myself. That's where my story begins.
In our little fishing village of Yoroido, lived in what I called a "tipsyhouse." It stood near a cliff" where the wind off the ocean was always blowing. As a child it seemed to me as if the ocean had caught a terrible cold (-)from my earliest years I was very much like my mother, and hardly at all like my father or older
sister. My mother said it was because we were made just the same, she and l-and it was true we both had the same peculiar eyes of a sort you almost never see in Japan. Instead of being dark brown like everyone else's, my mother's eyes were a translucent gray, and mine are just the same. When I was very young, told my mother thought someone had poked a hole in her eyes and all the ink had dried out, which she thought very funny. The fortunetellers said her eyes were so pale because of too much water in her personality, so much that the other four elements were hardly present at all.
Voici les questions que je ne comprends pas :
1) Explain why the man is suprised. ( dans le dialogue de 2 lignes)
2) Explain what the NOH SMILE
3) Which part of her life is narrated. (Jusqu'au mot my story begins)
4) wich part of her life ( de in our little fishing à présent at all.)
5) what type of text is it ?
6) where she was born.
Svp aidez moi cela fait 2h30 que je bosse dessus et je n'ai toujours pas compris( C'est pour demain) !

Sagot :

1- The man is surprised because anyone ever visits Yoroido. As for the people who live there, they never have occasion to leave.
2- The Noh smile resembles a Noh mask whose features are frozen. Its advantage is that men can interpret it however they want, you can imagine how often i've relied on it.
3- She talks about her present. She explains where did she come and why she doesn’t told it to people usually.
4- She talks about her mother and the similitudes between her and her mother, she talks about the differences between her and her old sister and her father. She explains too where was her house and why it was particular.
5- It seems like it’s an autobiography or a story.
6- She born in Yoroido.

J’ai fais ça rapidement il est possible qu’il y ait des erreurs ou des fautes mais ça peut déjà t’aider un peu
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