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Bonsoir, qui pourrait m aider sur ce dm d anglais niveau 3eme sur une description d image. (20 lignes) il faut décrire l image avec vocabulaire approprié Faites au moins 2 suppositions quant aux personnages, leurs attitudes, l expression de leurs visages... Et enfin dire pourquoi avoir choisi cette image, expliquez? Alors pour moi ca serait car j aime trop Paris et j’aime travailler sur Paris. Merci a celui ou celle qui m aidera

Bonsoir Qui Pourrait M Aider Sur Ce Dm D Anglais Niveau 3eme Sur Une Description D Image 20 Lignes Il Faut Décrire L Image Avec Vocabulaire Approprié Faites Au class=

Sagot :

Bonsoir ! J’ai vécu à New York pendant 8 ans donc j’esprere Que cela t’aide :

The picture that I chose gives off a very calm and serene feeling. By the way the people are dresses, we can tell that it was not taken in modern days. The women are dressed very elangantly. The 2 women who are in the front of the painting seem to be part of a higher class in society. I think so because of how they’re dressed and how the woman selling them the flowers is dressed. The woman on the right has a pink light dress with puffed up sleeves. The dress seems to have a purple collar around her and some white lace attached to the collar. On her head lays a white hat with a huge purple bow in the middle. At the waist of her dress, there is also a huge purple bow. The woman has brown hair and sky blue gloves which add more elegance to her outfit. The woman to our left is wearing a long dark blue dress. She doesn’t have ruffled sleeves but she has a white stripes patten on her dress. She has a small black and yellow hat covering her brown hair. Around her neck and hair, lies a blue ribbon. Both the women have a white umbrella covering both of them.They are looking at a small market of flowers. The woman selling them the flowers doesn’t seem to have the same quality of clothes but nether the less, she is still dressed nicely. There’s a small girl next t her staring at us. She's eating a piece of bread and a red ribbon attached to the end of her braids. They are in Paris. In the background we can see, people with nice quality clothes. I think this is a rich city. We can also see come horse cars which were very useful back in the days since cars were not invented yet. I chose this picture because I really love Paris and working on Paris. The aesthetic is very pleasing.

J’espre Que ça t’a aidé !!

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