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Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider a faire un texte avec tout sa. Who ? Buffalores Where ? Africa, a like, a river, shore What ? Talk, argue, argree, stand (up), See, check, jump, eat,(swallow), crocodile, a log(a piece of wood), (if), a branch, a twhig(brindille). Merci

Sagot :


Buffaloes come from Africa. They all have a same like. Buffaloes were walking on the shore of the river; they were talking,arguing,agreeing and standing up when they suddenly see a crocodile who tried to eat them.

They jumped to avoid him, checked there was no other crocodile around and pushed him down with a branch.

They put a twhig in the crocodile's mouth , he swallowed it and choked with.