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Bonjour, pourriez vous aussi m'aider pour cet exercice ; Merci d'avance .... Consigne : Mettre les phrases suivantes à la forme interrogatives : a ) He likes Mozart. b ) It is open all night. c ) They are sleeping in lhe living-room. d ) She can swim. e ) Jerry will wait until you arrive . f ) They were driving to Liverpool. g ) You believed it . h ) He has already done his homework.

Sagot :


Does he like Mozart

Is it open all night ?

Where are they slepping ?

Can she swim ?

Does Jerry will wait me ?

Where they were driving ?

Do you believed it ?

Did he already do his hopeworks ?


Mot interrogatif + sujet + verbe + ?


Réponse :


a)  Does he like Mozart?

b) Is it open all night?

c) Are they sleeping in the living-room?

d) Can she swim?

e) Will Jerry wait until you arrive?

f) Were they driving to Liverpool?

g) Did you believe it?

h) Has he already done his homework?

Explications :

Lorsque la phrase contient un auxiliaire, un modal qui se comporte comme un auxiliaire ( am/is/are/can/will/has... ) Il faut le reprendre pour mettre à la forme interrogative ( phrases b.c.d.e.f.h)

Lorsque la phrase n'a pas d'auxiliaire. On utilise "do/does" au présent ( phrase a) et "did" au prétérit ( phrase g)