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«question tag ». Ce n'est pas vraiment
une question mais on cherche l'approbation
de son interlocuteur. L'intonation est descendante.
L'équivalent en français serait : - ..., non ?
-..., tu ne crois pas ? - ..., hein ? (familier)
4 You propose the name
of Princess Diana for your
school house. Complete
her story.
Diana Frances Spencer ...
(be) born on July 1st,
1961. She ... (marry)
Prince Charles in 1981 and
so ... (become) Princess of
Wales. She ... (support)
different charities. She ...
(give) her attention to
children in need.
5 Meg is asking Sam his opinion about
Survivor, but she supposes he will agree.
Complete Meg's sentences.
It's a tough game, ...?
The players are so talented, ...?
They're not ordinary people, ...?
They solve problems so quickly, ...?
We must watch the next season, ... ?
You won't miss it, ...?
Pour décrire quelqu'un ou quelque chose
La formation des adjectifs avec -ful et-less
Les suffixes -ful et-less peuvent servir à former des adjectifs exprimant des contraires:
Tim is fearful (= full of fear but Ella is fearless (she has no fear
6 Find the two adjectives formed from the
underlined noun.
Someone with no tact is ... (the opposite = ...)
Someone with no power is ... (the opposite = ...)
Someone who takes care is ... (the opposite = ...)
Something with a lot of colours is ... (the opposite = ...)
thirty-one • 31​

Sagot :


Réponse :


4 You propose the name of Princess Diana for your school house. Complete

her story.

Diana Frances Spencer was (be) born on July 1st, 1961. She married (marry)

Prince Charles in 1981 and so became (become) Princess of Wales.

She supported (support) different charities. She gave (give) her attention to

children in need.

5 Meg is asking Sam his opinion about Survivor, but she supposes he will agree. Complete Meg's sentences.

It's a tough game, isn't it?

The players are so talented,aren't they?

They're not ordinary people, are they?

They solve problems so quickly, don't they?

We must watch the next season, mustn't we ?

You won't miss it, will you?

Pour décrire quelqu'un ou quelque chose

La formation des adjectifs avec -ful et-less

Les suffixes -ful et-less peuvent servir à former des adjectifs exprimant des contraires:

Tim is fearful (= full of fear) but Ella is fearless (she has no fear)

6 Find the two adjectives formed from the underlined noun.

Someone with no tact is  tactless  (the opposite = tactful )

Someone with no power is powerless (the opposite = powerful)

Someone who takes care is careful  (the opposite = careless.)

Something with a lot of colours is colourful (the opposite = colorless.)

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