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Bonjours pouvez vous m'aidez dans ces exercice de 3e ? Merci d'avance !

Exercice 1

Complete with the correct form of the verbs, either in the present simple or present continuous. (4 pts)
1. Look, he (feel) the clothes. He must really like them.
2. She (feel) cold.
3. I don’t think this painting (look) good.
4. What (look) you at?

Exercice 2

Complete the following sentences in the present simple, present continuous, present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. (7 pts)

1. John (work) for IBM.
2. I (not / work) today because I have to go to the dentist.
3. They (forget) to bring something to eat. What are we going to do?
4. You always (make) too much noise when you come home late.
5. I (not / have) much time to think about my holidays this week.
6. Where Jane? She (make) a cake in the kitchen.
7. Where were you? I (wait) for 2 hours!

Sagot :




present simple ou continuous

1- Look ! He is feeling the clothes. He must really like them.

2- She feels cold.

3- I don't think this painting looks good.

4- What are you looking for ?



1- John works for IBM.

2- I don't work today because I have to go to the dentist.

3- They have forgotten to bring something to eat. What are we going to eat.

4- You always make too much noise when you come late.

5- I don't have much time to think about my holidays this week.

6- Where's Jane ? She is making a cake in the kitchen.

7- Where were you  I have been waiting for 2 hours ?


pas sûr à 1000% pour l'exo 2  (n° 2 & 3) ....


bonne journée ☺☺☺

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