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write a letter to your friend in another state tell him or her the latest in your school and what you are expecting from him or her ​

Sagot :

dear friend,

I am writing this letter to you to describe to you all the realities of the positive and negative side of my new school. Hope you are doing very well.

As you know I left the neighborhood and came to another state, everything has really improved compared to my old school, in this school almost everything is perfect, everyone is accepted as they are, with his qualities and his faults, the teachers are very nice and do their best to help us progress, the only thing that doesn't work with me are the obligations, for example, if we don't do our homework, we get a very big punishment, it is good on one side but on the other it is very tiring, but other than that everything is good. All the children are united to each other and help each other no matter the situation .I hope you will come find me when you can because it is like a dream here.

Everything is perfect, as I wished, I am looking forward to you. I am waiting for you to pass your school year so that your parents have to be proud of you, as always. Good luck my friend we will meet again soon!

Bonne chance !

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