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Bonjour Qurlqu'un peut me faire j'en ai besoin dans 10 minute svp aidez moi

Bonjour Qurlquun Peut Me Faire Jen Ai Besoin Dans 10 Minute Svp Aidez Moi class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

1/ 1. Bread is sold...

2. We are given...

3. My bag isn't made...

4. The World Cup is watched...

5. I'm not paid...

6. My friends aren't invited...

2/ 1. is called

2. are downloaded

3. aren't needed

4. am given

5. are not worn

6. are baked

Explications :

Bonjour !

Exercice 1 :

1. Bread is sold in that shop.

2. We are given a lot of homework on Fridays.

3. My bag isn't made of leather.

4. The World Cup is watched all over the world.

5. I'm not paid to help at home.

6. My friends aren't invited to the party.

Exercice 2 :

1. My best friend is called Jon. It's short for Jonathan.

2. Thousands of films are downloaded every day.

3. Walking boots are not needed for the school trip.

4. I am given money for my birthday by my parents.

5. In my school, uniforms are not worn.

6. Cakes are baked in the oven.

J'espère t'avoir aidé. Bon courage !