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Réponse :



1. My sister went to the cinema yesterday.

2. He didn’t like football, so he played voleyball.

3. He broke the window when he was 5.

4. My mum was very angry because we came home very late.

5. She told me the problem with her mum and I helped her.

6. They didn’t visit the museum of the town, they preferred going to the funfair.

( Erreur dans la consigne : prefer s'écrit avec un seul "f" )

7. Did they visit their grandparents yesterday?

8. Who were you with when the accident happen?


1. I was studying Science for my test.

2. He wasn't doing his homework.

3. They weren't playing rugby because they think it is boring.

4. Were they listening to music when you opened the door?

5. She was going to the cinema, but her friends didn’t come.

6. That boy wasn’t playing the violin very well. Maybe, he was having musical classes.

7. Jane, David and Polly were watching TV when the light turned off.

8. I was beginning my English project when my sister fall.


It was a rainy day of November.

We came from school at 2 o’clock.

We weren’t very hungry but we were too cold. While we were walking with my umbrella, we found a coin. We didn’t continue walking. We were a bit nervous. What should we do? Maybe, we had to put the coin where we found it. We did this. We were walking on the street, when a tall man asked us for the coin. We told him that the coin was at the beginning of the street. We didn’t know what was going to happen, so we continued walking.

Explications :

Past Continuous ou décrire des actions qui étaient en train de se dérouler.

Le prétérit vient interrompre l'action.

Ex: " We were walking on the street, when a tall man asked us "

--> Nous marchions ( étions en train de marcher ) dans la rue quand un grand monsieur mous a dit.

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