Réponse :
Le passif
Il est constitué de l’auxiliaire be à la forme attendue, suivi du participe passé du verbe.
Complète avec la bonne forme de l’auxiliaire et du verbe :
Tom was saved by the Home Guard when he was 8.
Les pronoms relatifs
I met Clare Hollingworth.
Clare Hollingworth broke the newws.
I met Clare Hollingworth who broke the news.
-Quel mot permet de relier les deux phrases ? who
-Quel est son antécédent ? Clare Hollingworth
Antécédent personne // date // lieu // chose
Pronom relatif who // when // where // which
1. The treaty was signed last month.
2. The end of the war will be celebrated next year.
1. Do you know the name of the man who rescued Private Bryan?
2. 1939 is the year when World War II began.
3. The Dickin Medals is the medal which was awarded to animal heroes of WWII.
4. Dunkirk is the place where my grandparents met.
5. Operation Overlord was the code name which was given to the battle of Normandy.
1. Winston Churchill was a man who had a great personality.
2. Poland was a country which was invaded by Germany at the beginning of WWII.
3. The Home Guards were men who saved many people.
4. The BBC was the radio which broadcast « Radio London »
= La BBC était la radio qui diffusait "Radio Londres"
to broadcast est un verbe irrégulier il donne : broadcast au prétérit.
"Radio Londres" = émission diffusée par la BBC spécialement pour la France occupée par les nazis. Utilisée par de Gaulle pour son célèbre "Appel du 18 juin"