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Je n’arrive toujours pas à compléter cet exercice. Alors si quelqu’un voudrait bien m’aider ce serait super sympa!
Merci d’avance :)

First write a question with the given information. Then write a full answer with the words in the brackets. Look at the example.
ex : They will come to the party. (Who) (my classmates)
—> Who will come to the party ? My classmates will come to the party.

1) I will correct the students’ tests. (When) (tomorrow)
2) Jake will met her. (Who) (Anne)
3) We will make an excursion. (Where) (to the mountains)
4) Dad wil change is email address. (Why) (somebody has broken into his email account)
5) I will do something. (What) (skip the rope)
6) You will paint a dog. (Whose) (Daisy’s)
7) He will read newspapers. (How many) (two)
8) They will discuss it. (What) (this problem)
9) We will have a picnic tomorrow. (Where) (In the park)
10) The children will go to school. (How) (by car)

Sagot :


Bonjour !

1. When will I correct the student's tests? I will correct the student's tests tomorrow.

2. Who will Jack met? Jack will meet Anne.

3. Where will we make an excursion?

We will make an excursion to the mountains.

4. Why does dad will change his email address? Because somebody has broken into his email account.

5. What will I do? I will skip the rope.

6. You will paint whose dog?

I will paint Daisy's dog.

7. How many newspapers will he read?

He will read two newspapers.

8. What will they discuss about? They will discuss about this problem.

9. Where will we have a picnic tomorrow? We will have a picnic in the park.

10. How will the children go to school? The children will go to school by car.

J'espère avoir aidé !

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