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Bonjour aider moi svp Little Riding Hood (to stay = rester) with her Granny. + : - : ? : • The Little Mermaid and the Prince (to have) a dog. + : - : ? : • The Three Little Pigs (to be) afraid of the wolf + : - : ? : • We (to help) Cinderella. + : - : ? : • I (to try = essayer) to escape the castle. + : - : ? : • He (to go) to the waterfall. + : - : ? : • You (to break = casser) the sword. + : - : ? : • They (to cook) a nice cake for the Little Riding Hood. + : - : ? :

Sagot :


Réponse :


Little Riding Hood (to stay = rester) with her Granny. + : - : ? :

(+) Little Riding Hood stayed with her Granny.

(-) Little Riding Hood didn't stay with her Granny.

(?) Did Little Riding Hood stay with her Granny?

• The Little Mermaid and the Prince (to have) a dog. + : - : ? :

(+) The Little Mermaid and the Prince had a dog.

(-) The Little Mermaid and the Prince didn't have a dog

(?) Did The Little Mermaid and the Prince have a dog?

• The Three Little Pigs (to be) afraid of the wolf + : - : ? :

(+) The Three Little Pigs were afraid of the wolf.

(-) The Three Little Pigs weren't  afraid of the wolf.

(?) Were The Three Little Pigs  afraid of the wolf?

• We (to help) Cinderella. + : - : ? :

(+) We helped Cinderella.

(-) We didn't  help Cinderella.

(?) Did we help Cinderella?

• I (to try = essayer) to escape the castle. + : - : ? :

(+) I  tried to escape the castle.

(-) I didn't  try to escape the castle.

(?) Did I try to escape the castle?

• He (to go) to the waterfall. + : - : ? :

(+) He went to the waterfall.

(-) He didn't go to the waterfall.

(?) Did he go to the waterfall?

• You (to break = casser) the sword. + : - : ? :

(+) You broke  the sword.

(-) You didn't break the swword.

(?) Did you break the sword?

• They (to cook) a nice cake for the Little Riding Hood. + : - : ? :

(+) They cooked a  nice cake for the Little Riding Hood.

(-) They didn't cook a  nice cake for the Little Riding Hood.

(?) Did they cook a  nice cake for the Little Riding Hood?

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