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Complete par un comparatif ou un superlatif..
1. JFK is ... airport in New York City. (busy)
2. The borough of Queens is ... Manhattan. (large-populated)
4. The helicopter is ... way to reach Manhattan. (quick)
5. Bruce is ... at finding his way. (good)
borough in NYC. (famous)
3.Manhattan is
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Sagot :


Réponse :


1. JFK is the busiest airport in New York City. (busy)

busy ( adjectif de 2 syllabes qui finit par "y" ) --> the busiest ( superlatif )

2. The borough of Queens is larger and more populated than Manhattan. (large-populated)

large ( adjectif court ) --> larger ( comparatif )

populated ( adjectif long ) --> more populated ( comparatif )

4. The helicopter is the quickest way to reach Manhattan. (quick)

quick ( adjectif court ) ---> the quickest ( superlatif )

5. Bruce is the best at finding his way. (good)

good ( adjectif irrégulier ) --> the best ( superlatif )

3.Manhattan is the most famous borough in NYC.

famous ( adjectif long ) --> the most famous. ( superlatif )
