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Bonjour les loulous pouvez vous m'aidez pour ces question svp
I ( live ) in New Zealand for three years
Our trip was great but it ( rain ) for two days
He is one of the best All Blacks but he ( not score ) for two months
The Maori ( hunt ) kiwi birds for centuries but now they are protected

Sagot :

Hello !

I lived in New Zealand for three years.

Our trip was great but it rained for two days .

He is one of the best All Blacks but he hasn't scored for two months.

The Maori have hunted kiwi birds for centuries but now they are protecte.

En espérant t'avoir aidé(e) ! ^^

Re coucou, voici les réponses pour cet exo :)

a) I lived in New Zealand for three years.

b) Our trip was great but it rained for two days

c) He is one of the best All Blacks but he hasn't scored for two months.

d) The Maori kiwis have hunted for centuries but now they are protected.

Et voilà ;p c'est avec plaisir que je t'ai aidé