Réponse :
2. Who has the fastest car?
3. This is the longest river in Germany.
4. Spring is the most pleasant season of the year.
5. This road is the widest in the country.
6. Tina is the best student in class.
7. Alaska is the most northern state in the US.
8. Is the elephant or the whale the biggest animal in the world?
9. The best pupils should be paid more attention.
10. The most interesting film we’ve ever seen is « Raiders of the lost ark »
11. John’s room is the cleanest of all.
12. Of all the French writers, Victor Hugo is the greatest.
13. Paul is the most courageous person I know.
14. Canada is the second largest country in the world.
15. Tina is the most kind-hearted girl I’ve ever met.
Explications :
Adjectifs courts : 1 syllabe = the + adjectif+est ( ex: long = the longest )
si l’adjectif se termine par « e » = the + adjectif+st ( ex : nice = the nicest )
si l’adjectif se termine par « y » on remplace le « y » par un « i » ( ex: happy = the happiest )
si l'adjectif de termine par une consonne, il faut la doubler ( ex : big = the biggest )
Adjectifs longs : 2 syllabes ou plus ( attention, les adjectifs de 2 syllabes qui finissent par « y » sont considérés comme des adjectifs courts )
= the most + adjectif ( ex : intelligent = the most intelligent )
Adjectifs irréguliers : good = the best
bad = the worst