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Sagot :
Réponse :Bonjour,
1) What are they doing ? They're playing the guitar.
2) What did they do last Saturday afternoon ? - They played football.
3) I'd like to play the piano very well.
4) What did they do ? They didn't work, they played cards.
5) When did you play tennis with them for the last time ?
6) What were they doing when you saw them ? - They were playing cards.
7) Are you sure that playing the piano isn't so difficult ?
8) I used to play rugby when I was at school.
9) I had never played the violin before that special day.
10) They have been playing for half an hour when I arrived.
11) I'm sure you would enjoy hearing him playing the trumpet.
12) Tonight I'm playing the organ in church for the first time.
Bon courage.
Après avoir bien lu le contexte, complétez ces phrases avec les différentes formes du verbe courant « play » : to play / play / plays / played / have played / has played / had played / playing
1) What are they doing ? They're playing the guitar.
2) What did they do last Saturday afternoon ? - They played football.
3) I'd like to play the piano very well.
4) What did they do ? They didn't work, they played cards.
5) When did you play tennis with them for the last time ?
6) What were they doing when you saw them ? - They were playing cards.
7) Are you sure that playing the piano isn't so difficult ?
8) I used to play rugby when I was at school.
9) I have never played the violin before that special day.
10) They had been playing for half an hour when I arrived.
11) I'm sure you would enjoy hearing him play the trumpet.
12) Tonight I'm playing ;the organ in church for the first time.
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