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As you know Louis Armstrong was and still is one of the most famous jazz musicians in the world. He was born in 1901 in New Orleans where he spent his childhood at age 21 in 1922. He joined King Oliver in Chicago to be second Coronet in his Creole jazz band which played at the Lincoln Gardens one of the most Lively clubs in Chicago's South Side.
1923 the Creole jazz band made its first records in 1924 Lewis married Lil Hardin who played the piano in Oliver's Creole jazz band. She was his second wife in 1925. He spent some time in New York City where he played in Fletcher Henderson's
Orchestra from 1925 to 1928 back in Chicago. He recorded for the first time under his own name.
Aim with his hot 5 and hot 7 these records are still considered landmarks in the history of jazz Armstrong left, Chicago in 1929 to travel across the u.s. And around the world. He divorced from Lil Hardin and quickly remarry later on. He settled in New York City with his fourth and last wife and he died there in 1971. You still considered today as the