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bonjour quelqu'un pourrait maider svp cest noter merci​

Bonjour Quelquun Pourrait Maider Svp Cest Noter Merci class=

Sagot :

October 22nd,1290
Dear uncle,
Do not believe Katherine!I am not jealous of her! I always wanted her to marry the king’s son. I don’t love him !When I was in her room, I really was looking for some medicine and of course,I looked nervous! I was ill! People are accusing me of killing her! But at the time of the murder , I was alone in my bedroom .I was reading a book.Afterawhile, I looked for Katherine but didn’t find her . Then I went outside.I was walking near the Chapel Tower when I saw her body.But I didn’t kill her! I’m telling you the truth! I need your help .
With love,
Lady Jane


Réponse :

                                                                        October 22nd, 1290                

Dear Uncle,

Do not believe Katherine! I am not jealous of her! I always wanted her to marry the king's son. I don't love him! When I was in her room, I really was looking for some medicine and of course, I looked nervous, I was ill! People are accusing me of killing her! But at the time of the murder, I was alone in my bedroom. I was reading a book. After a while, I looked for Katherine but I didn't find her. Then I went outside, I was walking near the Chapel Tower when I saw her body. But I didn't kill her! I'm telling you the truth! I need your help.

With love,

Lady Jane

Voila, j'espere que sa vous aides❤

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