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bonjour pouvez vous m aidez svp merci

3) What hard times preceded (= came before) the 20s?

a) The Middle Ages

b) The Great Depression

c) The First World War (WWI)

d) The Cold War

4) During the 20s, more Americans lived…

a)… in rural areas (villages, countryside, farms, etc.).

b)… in small urban areas (towns, small cities, etc.)

c)… in urban areas (cities and big cities)

d)… in their houses… LOL

5) Which cultural craze really blossomed during the Roaring Twenties?

a) R’n’B & Rap

b) Grunge music

c) Jazz music, Charleston and Shimmy dance

d) Beat-boxing

6) During the Roaring Twenties, what was a“Flapper”?

a) a young woman who had a free and independent woman who dressed differently.

b) a man who drank contraband alcohol in a Speakeasy (illegal bar)

c) an insulting slang term for a “policeman”

d) a conservative old woman who thought that younger generations were scandalous.

7) In the US, influenced by
religious and social groups, what did Prohibition (1920-

1933) ban the production, importation and sale of?

a) alcohol (only doctors could legally prescribe alcohol)

b) tobacco (only doctors could legally prescribe tobacco)

c) guns (only policemen could legally use guns)

d) motorcycles (only policemen could legally use motorcycles)​

Bonjour Pouvez Vous M Aidez Svp Merci 3 What Hard Times Preceded Came Before The 20sa The Middle Agesb The Great Depressionc The First World War WWId The Cold W class=

Sagot :


3) What hard times preceded (= came before) the 20s ?

a) The Middle Ages

b) The Great Depression

c) The First World War (WWI)

d) The Cold War

4) During the 20s, more Americans lived…

a)… in rural areas (villages, countryside, farms, etc.).

b)… in small urban areas (towns, small cities, etc.)

c)… in urban areas (cities and big cities)

d)… in their houses… LOL

5) Which cultural craze really blossomed during the Roaring Twenties?

a) R’n’B & Rap

b) Grunge music

c) Jazz music, Charleston and Shimmy dance

d) Beat-boxing

6) During the Roaring Twenties, what was a“Flapper”?

a) a young woman who had a free and independent woman who dressed differently.

b) a man who drank contraband alcohol in a Speakeasy (illegal bar)

c) an insulting slang term for a “policeman”

d) a conservative old woman who thought that younger generations were scandalous.

7) In the US, influenced by religious and social groups, what did Prohibition (1920-1933) ban the production, importation and sale of ?

a) alcohol (only doctors could legally prescribe alcohol)

b) tobacco (only doctors could legally prescribe tobacco)

c) guns (only policemen could legally use guns)

d) motorcycles (only policemen could legally use motorcycles)​

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