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Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider sur cet exercices d'anglais il faut Mettre les verbes au prétérit MERCI

A young girl ________ (have) a stepmother and two stepsisters but no mother.
She________ (ask) the stepmother to go to the ball, but the woman__________
(say) “No !” A Fairy Godmother ____________ (change) mice into horses and a
pumpkin into a carriage and__________ (give) the girl a beautiful dress and
shoes. The Prince__________ (fall) in love with the girl and not the stepsisters.
The Girl_________(lose) one beautiful shoe. It ________ (help) the Prince to
find her. They __________ (get) married and they __________ (live) very
happily for ever

Sagot :

Bonsoir ,

Mettre les verbes au prétérit :

A young girl  had a stepmother and two stepsisters but no mother.

She asked the stepmother to go to the ball, but the woman said .

“No !” A Fairy Godmother  changed mice into horses and a

pumpkin into a carriage and gave the girl a beautiful dress and

shoes. The Prince fell in love with the girl and not the stepsisters.

The Girl lost one beautiful shoe. It  helped the Prince to

find her. They got married and they lived very

happily for ever .

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