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Sagot :
Coucou, je vais essayer de t'aider du mieux que je peux :
Questions à posé pour l'athlète :
a) what made you want to do sports?
b) Who inspired you?
c) How long have you been swimming?
d) Do you think there is stronger than you?
e) Do you think that in 10 years you will still do the same thing?
f) Will you be teaching swimming to your future children?
Je suis l'athlète et je répond aux questions :
a) What made me want to do sports is good when I was little I wish to become someone strong and to be loved for what I would do.
b) It may sound funny but it was I who gave me the taste for competition.
c) I practice swimming from a very young age, initially when I was 3 months old, my mother was my guide and now I manage on my own.
d) Oh sure there is stronger or stronger than me in life there is always stronger than be except when you are the strongest, that's cool!
e) In 10 years, see me still swimming. OF COURSE ! I love sports!
f) If my children wish to learn swimming, I will teach them with great pleasure but I do not impose things on people so I would be very happy if they are interested!
Voilà je t'ai fais des questions et réponse sur la natation :) j'espère que ça te plaira
Réponse :
a. Where were you born ?
- I was born in in Jamaica.
b. What was your favourite sport when you were young?
- My favourite sport was cricket. I played it all the time.
c. When did you win your first medal?
- I won my first medal when I was 14. It was a school championship. But I only won the silver medal.
d. How did you become professional?
- It was hard, but thanks to my coach I became professional in 2004.
e. How fast did you run ?
- I was clocked at 44.72 km per hour, which is 27.8 miles per hour. It was in Berlin in 2009
f. What makes you proud ?
- I could say that being a legend, the fastest man in the world makes me proud. But today, I am proud of my Foundation The UBF. I can help so many children
Explications :
The UBF = The Usain Bolt Foundation ( fondation qui est très engagée pour de nombreuses actions en faveur des enfants ) Si tu aimes Usain Bolt le site de sa fondation est très très bien fait ; )
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