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classe de 3e anglais ecrire un dialogue entre un ado et ses parents pour que ceux ci quittent le mouvement hippie

Sagot :

Réponse :

Kid: Hi dad, mom, I need to talk to you about something.

Parents: Oh, okay sit down on the couch and we will talk.

Kid: Well, I think you need to change your style a little bit.

Parents: Why is that?

Kid: Because everyone laughs at me because I am the only person at school who has parents that dress like hippies all day.

Parent: Are we the only ones who dress like this.

Kid: YES!

Parents: What other style do you think we should wear and please give us a reason why you think we should change it.

Kid: I think a normal parent would just say okay, and wear something else but if you insist I will tell you...

Parents: We are waiting...

Kid: I did not even start yet!!

Parent: Oh, sorry, continue.

Kid: Dad, I think you should stop wearing sunglasses when it is a rainy day and start going around like a normal person and also can you wear a normal t-shirt instead of a long dress or whatever that thing is. And you could stop wearing huge jeans. Mom, could you stop wearing puffy jeans and be like other people and you don't need to wear a long shirt with long sleeves you could just wear a normal t-shirt or maybe even a crop top! Is that good enough or do I have to explain in more detail?

Parents: Wow, that is a lot of change, we will try.

Voila, j'espere que sa vous aides

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