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Je m'entraîne d'abord à la conjugaison en mettant le verbe entre parenthèses au
present perfect.

a) à la forme affirmative :
1. You (phone) twice.
2. I (see) him
3. She (like) the film.
4. We (visit) Rome.
5. They (catch) a bus to Trafalgar Square.
6. He (be) to the supermarket.
7. You (drive) too fast!
8. He (want) to come.
9. I (cry) a lot.
10.We (play) well!
11. They (finish) their homework.
12. She (clean the kitchen.
13. He (score) a goal.
14. She (tidy) her room.
15.1 (make) a chocolate cake.

Sagot :

Réponse :

you have phoned

i have seen

she has liked

we have visited

they have caught

he has been

you have drived

he has wanted

i have cried

we have played

they have finished

she has cleaned

he has scored

she has tidied

i have made

Explications :

Réponse :

  1. You have phoned twice.
  2. I have seen him.
  3. She has liked the film.
  4. We have visited Rome.
  5. They have caught a bus to...
  6. He has been to the supermarket.
  7. You have driven too fast!
  8. He has wanted to come.
  9. I have cried a lot.
  10. We have played well!
  11. They have finished their homework.
  12. She has cleaned the kitchen.
  13. He has scored a goal.
  14. She has tidied her rom.
  15. I have made a chocolate cake.

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