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Bonjour j'aurais besoins d'aide s'il vous plait

Mets le verbe entre parenthèses au prétérit ou au present perfect. Attention aux verbes irréguliers !

a) The pioneer Project first (start) in 2013.

b) The number of applications (not stop) increasing and today it welcomes many students.

c) At the end of the camp, last year participants (say) they really (enjoy) the traditional aspect.

d) My sister (read) many reviews and now wants to apply.

Sagot :

Réponse :


a) The pioneer Project first has started in 2013.

b) The number of applications didn't stop inceareasing and today it welcomes many students.

c) At the end of the camp, last year participants said they really enjoyed the traditional aspect.

d) My sister has read may reviews and now wants to apply.

J'espère avoir pu vous aider