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Hello every one, I am Greta Thunberg.
I'm here to warn you about the future. A dark, wasted future:
Today on Earth, animals, human, plants are suffering because of global warming. Indeed, carbon dioxyde is produced at such a great scale, that the solar rays can't escape the atmosphere because they are reflected: this causes heat, a very menacing heat. The global temperature could rise of 1°C in the next century. It might not seem a lot but the effect are already visible: the glaciers are melting, Australia burned more than ever before, the desert are spreading, extreme weather conditions are getting more frequent. It has to stop or we'll never survive it.
You, as governors and presidents of country, you have to change things. You are here because you are the most powerful human in the world: did you never think about ecology? About your country's population's future? The question is now: what do you want for them. Capitalism, winning money isn't the only thing that will prevent from drowning. You all have to think about tomorrow's health, not tomorrow's wealth.
Invest in clean energies, invest in planting trees. Invest in smarter, more respectful ways to live, have fun and travel. Your country merits it.
Invest in sensibilisation campains, too. Because on their scale, people can make a change. Ecology is all about change. Personnal change. Little modifications in your daily routine that can do big for the planet. Also, ecology is thinking of sorting your waste, preventing waste of water or food, taking shorter shower and shutting down the lights when you get out of a room. Ecology is economizing ressources as best as we can: make sure your people understand that.
I hope that I convinced you to make the change, for your planet and your people stake.
Thank you for listening, ladies and gentelman. Thank you for what you wil do.
J'espère que ça te va!
Tu gères ; )
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